Tackling RTO Learning Resources Securing the appropriate study materials and assessment aids among the plethora of national publishers may be demanding. Ideal materials should satisfy every RTO's additional needs and boost learning achievements. It’s imperative to examine available quality resources and the role they play in student progress. Es… Read More

OverviewTraining Organisations are responsible for many obligations post-registration, including yearly reports, AVETMISS reporting, and promotional compliance. Among these tasks, validating assessments is particularly challenging. While we've discussed validation in several publications, let's revisit the fundamental principles. ASQA identifies as… Read More

IntroductionRegistered Training Organisations (RTOs) are responsible for various responsibilities post-registration, like annual declarations, AVETMISS data submission, and advertising compliance. Among these tasks, validation of assessments frequently stands out. While validation has been covered in many articles, let's return to the basics. ASQA … Read More

Assessment Validation OverviewRegistered Training Organisations have multiple tasks post-registration, which include annual statements, AVETMISS reporting, and marketing adherence. Among these tasks, validation of assessments frequently stands out. While validation has been covered in multiple discussions, let's revisit the fundamental principles. … Read More